Three Steps to Impact

This process ensures you think like a storyteller whenever you need to impact and influence.

Every story you tell follows a set of principles that when deployed, make your story irresistible to listen to and easy to pass on. Human beings navigate this story process effortlessly when they are relaxed, but in front of a crowd they tend to lose that skill.

Our Three Step Approach steals this story process and packages it in a form you can use strategically, to craft a communication which will be irresistible to your key audience and will deliver your objective.

Three Steps to Impact

  1. Narrow the target
    Who is your audience? What is the purpose of this story? You can use the content you have in a myriad of different ways, so without a clear target you are likely to create a ‘muddy’ communication. Send time at the outset defining what you want to achieve and who you need to engage to achieve it.
  2. Tell the story
    An understanding and expertise in planning effective storytelling with the Three Step Approach
  3. Create an effortless flow
    From the opening to the closing of your story your audience should expend no surplus energy trying to follow the thread of your story.

    Imagine you are at home watching a really good film on a Friday night. Although you are tired you find it easy to watch and in fact you don’t want to miss any part of it because you can see how the building blocks are building towards an interesting end.

You can create an effortless experience for your audience too. To shape this flow, gather your entire communication under three ‘big thoughts’ that will guide your audience right through from introduction to action.

The first ‘big thought’: this will be you working hard to establish why your audience should be interested in listening to you.

The second ‘big thought’: now you can give some more detailed information but don’t waste a moment of their time or energy by drowning them in detail, be ruthless in selecting on the most facts that tell the story. (Imagine someone telling the story of meeting the love of their life on the bus – do you think they would mention the cost of the ticket? No – because we eliminate the irrelevant numbers when we look our audience in the eye).

The final thought: will not just be concluding, it will be looking forwards, keeping that relationship with your audience going past the end of your presentation.

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