Pitch to Win

Living in the detail of your business every day can lead to ‘story-blindness’ and a ‘one-size fits all’ approach to pitching

A successful pitch is a carefully crafted story designed to be an irresistible invitation to your client or customer to start a fruitful conversation.

Although you know that a pitch should ultimately answer the questions of Who? What? and Why?, when you are immersed in your business it can be almost impossible to stand back and see the clear and compelling story that answers these questions for your audience.

We take you through a remarkable process that we have seen produce a fresh perspective, a renewed clarity of purpose and a knockout pitch, time and time again. We combine our methodical Three Steps to Impact planning tool with Ann’s razor-sharp storytelling brain, and your fantastic story just waiting to be told.

We use the framework of storytelling to identify all the core elements of the who, what, why, and define the story elements that will resonate with your audience. Together we then craft them into an engaging and irresistible narrative that will connect with your audience and inspire them to find out more.

Pitch to Win is a bespoke package designed around your needs and deadlines. The components will include one or more efficient and productive group workshops with your key stakeholders (in person or online), development time from Ann, and collaborative online ‘writing room’ meetings to refine the output.

Along the way everyone involved will benefit from learning a set of story tools they will use in their every-day, and will leave the process thinking like a storyteller whenever they communicate.

In the workshop(s) we will

  • Get every potential component of your story ‘out of the box’ because you can often miss the most important corners of your story when you are close to the detail
  • Enhance the focus of your pitch by defining a clear purpose and learning to think like your audience
  • Identify the seven core story elements that your audience needs to hear, to enable them to engage, understand and remember what you are telling them
  • Use a system that allows us to craft what we have learned into an elegant, fat-free, compelling story that is beautifully designed to deliver your purpose for your target audience

Should you require further pitch refinement at a later date, or for multiple audiences, we are happy to provide further workshops or strategy sessions on request.

- A distilled balanced story achieves impact -

Downforce Technologies are a nature-based solution business, with a powerful digital platform which can assess and predict the soil health of every hectare of the globe. The Executive team were preparing to meet a number of key investors and needed to build a presentation that landed the range of potential value the platform offered, and the necessary detail to demonstrate that value in an impactful way. Over a three-week period, we took a vast pile of content, information, experience, and data, and crafted a clear, engaging and effective missile of a presentation. We worked methodically, first analysing every pillar of the story separately. We looked closely at the purpose and the audience drivers of the piece, which eventually would help us keep the correct balance and focus of the story throughout. It helped us see information we needed to add into the deck as well as take out.

The process began with 3 x two-hour online workshops, with the incredibly busy executive team joining the call from whichever country their schedules dictated. Then we continued to develop the story and then deck over several ‘writing room’ meetings across the next fortnight.

“What Ann was able to do was turn the message of our powerful science-backed technology into a compelling, relatable, and exciting story, all presented in a well-crafted pitch deck. We saw a tangible positive shift in responses from potential investors and the team and I were all very impressed!”

Josephine Wapakabulo:
CEO of Downforce Technologies

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